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Recreational courses
- OWD - Open Water Diver
- AOW - Advanced Open Water Diver
- RSD - Rescue Diver
- CDM - Divemaster
- OWI - Open Water Instructor
- CSU - Complete SafeAir User
Medical courses
- FRS - Emergency First Responder
- CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- OXP - Oxygen provider
- FAP - First Aid Povider
Technical courses
- TSD - Technical SafeAir Diver
- ERD - Extended Range Diver
- TMD - Tri-Mix Diver
- CVN - Cavern Diver
- CAV - Cave Diver
- CCR - Rebreather Diver
- SMD - Sidemount Diver
ANDI International is one of the world’s fastest growing diver training agencies. ANDI began by specializing in training programs for Enriched Air Nitrox ( SafeAir ) diving. As a natural evolution from SafeAir®, ANDI developed training programs for what has now become known as Technical diving and Closed Circuit Rebreather systems. To meet the demands of our international network of training facilities, in 1999 ANDI introduced a unique methodology for training entrylevel divers with the ANDI Open Water Sport Diver program. Since our origin in 1988, ANDI has expanded throughout the world.
In 2014 ANDI Adria RHQ was established covering the following countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, BIH, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Hungary, Turkey and Albania.